Standing 4 meters high, the Three Worlds sculpture painting was commissioned by a businessman who'sgallery features Thailand' s most prominent contemporary artists. Veerachan's Three Worlds is his biggestpiece so far and is also the largest single piece of artwork in the Ben- cha - chin- da building' s arts museumin Bangkok The Three Worlds took over two years to complete and was originally commissioned as a fantasyportrait. Following discussions, the emphasis was taken off the portrait concept to a broader perspectivethat is relavent to anyone who experiences the power of this magnificent sculpture.
The hands of the subject push down on the evil influences of karnal pasts and temtations while seekingon a higher plane. Above the head , spheres represent the notable phases of life, from birth to death.
The Three Worlds referes to the physical world we live in and the heaven and hell above below us. Aroud the face, a sea of writhing bodies represent humanity in its barest, most animal form. |